
1. Which cellular processes occur as a consequence of differential control of gene expression in eukaryotic cells?

a) Cell Differentiation

b) Differential Translation

c) Differential Polymerization

d) Differential DNA Replication

e) Differential tRNA Degradation

2) Multicellular organisms are comprised of a variety of cells with different morphologies and different functions. Which is the underlying mechanism that leads to the generation of diverse cell in one organism?

a) The expression of all genes in all cell types.

b) The duplication of the genome in certain cell types.

c) The elimination of specific group of genes from different cell types.

d) The differential expression of particular sets of genes required for a particular cellular phenotype

e) All of the above

3) Which of these statements defines paracrine cell signaling?


A messenger molecule released into the blood stream to bind to a receptor on a cell far away from the release site.


A messenger molecule released by a cell into the extracellular space that binds to receptors on the surface of the same cell.


A messenger molecules released by a cell into the extracellular space that travels short distances to bind to a receptor in a nearby cell.


A messenger molecule release by a tissue into the lumen of an organ that diffuse to bind to receptors far away from the release site.


All of the above.

4) Which effect has the binding of the ligand to a G-protein coupled receptor on intracellular G-protein?


ATP is hydrolyzed, activating phosphorylation


GTP is exchanged for GDP on the G protein, inactivating the G protein


GDP is exchanged for GTP on the G protein, activating the G protein


GMP is released from the G-protein, inactivating the receptor


None of the above

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
28 Sep 2019
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