
2. What would you expect if the ability to produce capsaicin isgenetic? Choose all that apply.
a. Some offspring of plants that produce capsaicin will alsoproduce capsaicin.
b. It is not possible to predict if offspring of plants thatproduce capsaicin will also produce capsaicin. c. Plants will onlycontain capsaicin if it is present in the soil and can be absorbedby the roots.

3. In biology, what is an adaptation?
a. A trait with a genetic basis that increases the fitness of anindividual with the trait in a particular

environment, compared to individuals lacking the trait.
b. A characteristic of an organism that can change in response tothe environment.
c. Any characteristic of an organism that increases the fitness ofan individual in a particular environment,

compared to individuals lacking the trait.

4. Consumption of chili fruits by rodents would ...
a. Decrease the fitness of chili plants since gnawing damages theseeds.
b. Have no effect on the fitness of chili plants since the plantproduces lots of seeds and fruits. c. Increases the fitness ofchili plants since seeds are dispersed to new locations.

“Las alas del Diablo” by Brett C. Couch

Page 5


  1. How might dispersal of chili seeds by birds benefit a chiliplant? Choose all that apply.
    a. Seeds are transported to new locations so the offspring are notgrowing close to the parent and competing

    with it for light, water, space or minerals from soil.
    b. Some seeds may be moved to locations with appropriate conditionsfor growth of seedlings.
    c. Some seeds may be moved to locations that lack appropriateconditions for plant growth.
    d. Seeds are widely dispersed so the offspring don’t compete witheach other for light, water, space or minerals

    from soil.
    e. Seeds are damaged when the birds eat the fruits and fail togerminate.

  2. Consumption of chili fruits by birds could ...
    a. Increase the fitness of thrashers by providing nutrition, whichcan contribute to the increased production of

    b. Have no effect on the fitness of thrashers since thrashers don’tdigest the seeds and the nutrition in the seeds

    would not contribute to increased production of offspring.
    c. Reduce the fitness of thrashers since thrashers don’t digest theseeds and the loss of nutrition in the seeds

    would reduce the production of offspring.

  3. What is an experimental control?
    a. An experimental group or treatment that serves as a reference towhich a treatment group or treatment(s)

    can be compared.
    b. A group that is not used in an experiment.
    c. An experimental group or treatment that represents naturalconditions. d. An experimental group or treatment that lacks thefactor of interest.

  4. Does capsaicin production have a genetic basis?
    a. Yes, capsaicin production is controlled by the Hot2 gene.
    b. Yes, capsaicin production is controlled by the Pun1 gene.
    c. No, if capsaicin is present in the soil it is taken up by theplant and concentrated in the fruit. d. No, capsaicin is made bythe plant not a gene.

  5. What is (are) the control(s) in the food choice experimentperformed by Tewksbury and Nabhan? a. Hackberry

    b. Mild chilies
    c. Hot chilies
    d. Hackberry and mild chilies e. Mild chilies and hot chilies

  6. Why is hackberry used as a control?
    a. Hackberries are a control for fruit characteristics other thancapsaicin (e.g., color, other chemicals). b. Hackberries are acontrol for hunger or willingness to eat.
    c. Hackberries are part of the natural habitat of cactusmice.
    d. a and b.
    e. a, b and c.

  7. What criteria must be met for a trait to be considered anadaptation?
    a. Individuals with the trait generally have more offspring thanindividuals without the trait. b. The trait changes due to theenvironment (e.g., animals growing a thick coat in winter). c. Thetrait can be passed on to an organism’s offspring.
    d. a and c.
    e. a, b and c.

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