
I am working on some questions and these are the lastones that I am having trouble answering. Any help is greatlyappreciated. Thanks in advance!

1) Explain the steps involved in folding of large proteins byheat shock protein (Hsp70 family) and chaperonin. Use flow chart toillustrate.

2) Define post translational modification of amino acid; explainhow citrulline is formed.

3) How do side chains (R chains) of AA residues influence thefunction of polypeptides?

4) You are studying a virus. It has an icosahedral proteincapsid and is surrounded by a lipid-bilayer envelope. What kind oforganism does the virus infect?

5) What approaches other than immunization are being developedas treatments for Alzheimer's disease?

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
30 Sep 2019

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