
1. Assuming whacked wings is sex-linked recessive, whichgenotype below would best reflect a wild type male? *whacked wingsis a made-up trait.

A. w // + B. + // + C. w // w D. w/ Y E. +/ Y

2. Based upon the information above, which genotype below wouldbest reflect a whack winged male?

A. w // + B. + // + C. w // w D. w/ Y E. +/ Y 15.

3. Knowing that whacked wings is sex-link recessive and kiwi isautosomal recessive, which genotype below would reflect a whacked,kiwi female?

A. w // w ; k // k B. w / Y ; k // + C. + // k ; + // w

4. If one crossed the female describe in the above question witha true-breeding wild-type male, what % of offspring would we EXPECTto be wild-type (male or female)? * Hint, do a Punnett Square forsex chromosomes then another one for autosomal chromosomes. Type inyour answers; do not use any letters, % signs or punctuation

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
30 Sep 2019
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