
MY BRAIN ON STRESS “I have chemistry exam tomorrow. I’m worried!What if I don’t pass??? I wonder what’s going on in mybrain……….”

When I think of the exam, there’s immediately increased activityin the ___________ system of my brain. One organ, the ____________really gets immediately active, as this is responsible foremotional processing. Then this sends a message to the_____________, which gets two primary pathways going: the_____________________ and the __________________. Wow, and all thisis in less than a second! One pathway, the ____________ uses theautonomic nervous system first. It releases neurotransmissions,that later take on the form of hormones released from the adrenalgland. The primary neurotransmitter/hormone is ____________. Thisreally gets my heart to beat (faster/slower), and my blood pressuregoes (up/down). Hopefully, I will learn and use strategies toactivate the _____________, within the autonomic nervous system.This will help keep things in balance. But right now, that otherpathway, the ______________ has gotten fired up! It’s goingstraight to releasing hormones, first through initial activation ofthe ___________ and then the _______________glands. First, the__________________ releases ACTH, which is an acronym for_______________. Then, this makes the adrenal cortex release__________________, mostly cortisol. That cortisol does a real jobon me! It especially makes my ____________ system not work as well.And it goes back up to the brain where it increases activity rightwhere this all started, at the ______________! Besides that, italso effects how the part of my brain I most need for memory work,the ________________ is able to function. What a mess I’m in! Sonow that the __________________ response is in full gear, I’m morelikely to notice (negative/positive) things around me. After all,I’m hard-wired to protect myself. At the same time, my_____________________ really is not doing its best job, as it’s areal challenge gaining perspective and using my best judgment. Surewish I could get some more action going in my ACC, I mean my_______________________. A little empathy help from my ____________would be good too. And a feel good neurotransmitter, like_________________

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
30 Sep 2019

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