
Many ion channels are not normally open but must be gated oropened by some event. Which of the following is NOT a typical meansof opening ion channels?

Select one:

a. Binding of neurotransmitter to external binding site

b. Change in voltage across the membrane

c. Enzymatic reactions

d. Phosphorylation by an intracellular second messenger

Summation of local potentials can lead to a(n) _______ at theaxon hillock if the _______ is reached.

Select one:

a. equilibrium potential; threshold

b. local potential; equilibrium potential

c. action potential; equilibrium potential

d. action potential; threshold

The Na+/K+ pump helps to maintain the _______ by moving threeNa+ ions in and two K+ ions out of the cell.

Select one:

a. action potential

b. resting membrane potential

c. threshold

d. local potential

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
30 Sep 2019
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