4 Apr 2018

1.) Researchers from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History retrieved samples of fossil plants from an ancient lake bed in Patagonia. They used Carbon-14 radiometric dating to estimate the age of these plant fossils (the half life of Carbon-14 is 5730 years). They determined that these fossils are about 14,325 years old. Approximately what percentage of the parent isotope (C14) remains in these fossils?

a 50% (1 half life)
b 37.5% (1.5 half lives)
c 25% (2 half lives)
d 18.75% (2.5 half lives)

2.) A paleontologist is radiometrically dating three rocks from three different sites using the Potassium-Argon "clock", which has a half life of 1.25 billion years. The data she has obtained is shown in the table below. Based upon these data, which rock is the oldest?

Rock being test

Amount of parent element (Potassium) present
Rock A 75%
Rock B 12.5%
Rock C 26.25%

a. rock a

b. rock b

c. rock c

d. you cannot determine this from the info given

3.) Which of the following statements about natural selection is most accurate?

a Natural selection causes beneficial mutations.
b Natural selection creates populations that are perfectly adapted to their habitat.
c In a population undergoing natural selection, only the strongest individuals survive.
d Natural selection is due to differential survival and reproduction.

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27 Aug 2023

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