18 Feb 2019

The loss of stickleback pelvic spines is similar to the loss of which body parts in some other four-legged vertebrates?

A. divergent thumbs

B. fins

C. hind limbs

D. gills

The pelvic spines in the stickleback are modified what?

A. legs

B. fins

C. limbs

D. gills

What is a good generic definition of a hypothesis?

A. A combination of politics and scientific research to answer important questions for the general population.

B. An educated guess or expected answer to a scientific question based on prior knowledge and observation.

C. A prediction concerning a natural phenomenon based on personal observations in the natural world.

D. A theory that can easily be proven by conducting a few simple experiments.

Which is a properly written hypothesis?

A. The rose will grow tomorrow with sunlight.

B. If we take a rose outside and leave it, I think the sun will help it grow.

C. Roses will grow larger if given proper sunlight and nutrients.

D. I believe that increased sunlight and nutrients will allow roses to grow larger.

Which hypothesis states that no statistical significance exists between the independent and dependent variable?

A. simple hypothesis

B. null hypothesis

C. complex hypothesis

D. alternative hypothesis

E. statistical hypothesis

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
20 Feb 2019

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