BIO 200 Lecture 23: Viruses

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Test: the number of distinct viruses in stool samples range from 52 - 2773. Nasal swabs: 10,000 vial sequences in children with fever. Shape of virus: type of nucleic acid (dna or rna, number of units (capsomeres) making up the capsid, naked or with envelope (envelope is part of the host membrane around virus) Baltimore classification: most favored way of classifying viruses. Lytic life cycle: virus attachment, penetration to injection of dna, replication: take over ribosome and makes viral proteins, assembly: pieces put together, release: thousands of virions. Release of enzyme and destroys cell membrane [lysis] For every bacterium in your body there are ~100 bacteriophages. Estimated 10 billion phages packed into each gram of human stool. Phage therapy: uses viruses to attack some bacterial infections. Lysogenic life cycle: attachment, penetration, replication: something triggers the virus and suddenly takes over cell and proceeds to the lytic. Every time the host cell replicates, so does the viral dna.