EEOB 2520 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Cornea, Saccule, Threshold Potential

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Function: to detect and relay information to central nervous system. Modalities: heat, light pressure, chemicals > what changes we can register. Happens via receptors with limits = adequate. Chemoreceptors: [x] > x = specific things. Nocireceptor: tissue damage (ex. cut, heat) = pain. Directly by afferent nerve (acts as receptor and pathway) Receptor cell to afferent nerve (just a pathway) Trade offs making afferent nerve do multiple things makes it do its important jobs slower. Key information into coded form that cns can translate. Need to know intensity level and location. Variable graded potentials (inc. stimulus, inc gp) Variable action potential pattern (inc. gp, inc. # action potential) Inc. stimulus > inc. action potential frequency > inc nt # Specific areas for specific types of sense. Receptive field: area covered by an axon terminal. Activates and send message regardless of how many things are hitting receptor. Inhibition of neighbors (surpassing neighbors to try and get our message through)