PHSI2005 Study Guide - Final Guide: Autonomic Nervous System, Pupillary Light Reflex, Somatic Nervous System

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Autonomic nervous system learning objectives: to outline structure and functions of ans noting similarities and differences between ans and somatic nervous system. Key differences: number of neurones, somatic has a single axon, one neuron, autonomic has 2 neurons (preganglionic and postgangionic neuron, pathway origin and ganglia location, neurotransmitters and postsynaptic receptors. In the brain: respiratory centres, temperature control, water balance, urinary bladder control, blood pressure control. Phsi2005/2905 notes: to describe structural and functional features of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of ans. Fibres from brain stem and sacral spinal cord. Ganglia close to organ: long preganglionic , short postganglionic. Fibres from thoracic and lumbar spinal cord (t1 to l2) Chain of ganglia along spinal cord: short preganglionic, long postganglionic. Most target cells have adrenergic receptors (cid:120) many organs are innervated by both divisions, with opposite effects (cid:120) the fact that both parasympathetic and sympathetic activity affects organs at the same time is called tone.