BIO230H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Chromatin, Histone Acetyltransferase, Phosphorylation

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19 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Bio230 lec4 eukaryotic gene regulation sep 18. Topics: eukaryotic transcriptional activation, eukaryotic transcriptional repression. Various types of rna polymerases required required -> for specific rnas. Ii required for mrna rrna produced -> ribosome structure production. Mrna, rrna, trna produced trna produced -> transfer rna as. Other types of rnas produced as well adaptor. Only 1 tf required, which is s factor the transcriptions -> total 5 tf needed. Operons exist -> lac operons, trp for each time rna pol. Repressor proteins compete with start site bound by tfiid to help. Dna packed into chromatin -> additional regulation exists. Repressor proteins rarely compete with rna pol. > mechanisms instead: transcription factors are divided into 2 groups, general transcription factors usually needed for any transcription. Other transcription factors would be activators and repressors. Some proteins will only function as activators or repressors.