BIO220H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Twin, Phenotypic Plasticity, Reaction Norm

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28 Feb 2020

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Important points to know in this lecture: genes and environment can influence phenotypes and behaviours, natural selection shapes behaviour just like it shapes traits, plasticity in traits can come from environmental effects. Plasticity can be adaptive or not (can enhance survivorship and reproduction: reaction norm is the effect by environment and genes, can be shown on graphs, reach norm also shape by natural selection. It"s their reaction to ethanol, due to feeding on ripped fruits. Moreover, it"s an adaptation for locating ripened fruits. Species epipactic helleborine took advantage in these drunk pollinators. Have bacteria in the nectar that take sugar to produce alcohol, so bees could come and take their pollens. This trait in the plant is taking advantage of bee"s behavior. Influence on environment can led to difference in traits and behaviors. This explains why some monozygotic twin behave and have traits really differ from each other even when genotype is the same.