BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Ophioglossum, Phenotype, J. B. S. Haldane

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Atgcagt atggcagt: changes in repeat number. In humans: per base pair of dna is. Fitness-affecting mutation rates in eukaryotes (wright, lecture 4, slide 11) Number of fitness-affecting mutations per diploid genome each generation. 1. 6-3: this is the most common enzyme deficiency found in humans. Fitness distribution for new mutants: experiments with yeast. Most mutations will reduce fitness than improve it. Beneficial mutations are very rare relative to other kinds of mutations. Another thing that can create variation: independent assortment! (wright, lecture 4, page 17: this shuffling means new combinations which means even more variation. In the two chromosomes in the sampling from the parents, you can create 16 different combinations! It allows many different combinations of parental chromosomes: 2 sets = 22 = 4 possible gamete combinations, humans have 23 sets of chromosomes 223= >8 million, fern ophioglossum petiolatum, 510 sets of chromosomes, 2510 = 3. 4 x 10153. This inheritance is random as to which gene they get.