BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Botany, Hms Beagle, Gradualism

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Bio120 lecture 2: charles darwin 12th september 2018. Unlike a rock in the desert , living things have been created and designed to have a certain function which will allow them to survive. He introduced the inheritance of acquired characteristics which was the first causal mechanism to be introduced which was incorrect. His theory of acquired inheritance says that characteristics an individual acquires throughout its lifetime can be passed on to its offsprings. E. g giraffe"s acquiring long necks to reach leaves and passing it on to its offspring. He also thought that the more complex an individual, the longer it has been around and that humans evolved from bacteria and became complex overtime. https://www. kullabs. com/classes/subjects/u nits/lessons/notes/note-detail/1560. Wallace, provided the first elaborate theory of evolution. Organism"s have all descended from a common ancestry and have modified from their ancestors. Natural selection is the driving force for adaptations and variations amongst individuals.