BIO206H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Tata Box, Precursor Mrna, Dna Polymerase I

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30 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Bio206 transcription of a eukaryotic gene ii. Eubacteria: core rna polymerase (5 subunits) requires sigma factor to recognize -10 & -35 regions of the promoter. Eukaryotes: na pol(cid:455)(cid:373)e(cid:396)ase ii (cid:894)5+7 su(cid:271)u(cid:374)its(cid:895) also (cid:396)e(cid:395)ui(cid:396)es (cid:858)help(cid:859) to (cid:396)e(cid:272)og(cid:374)ize the p(cid:396)o(cid:373)ote(cid:396): requires general transcription factors. Not as straightforward as eubacteria, there are 7 additional subunits which they add extra complexity. Rna ii polymerase cannot recognize the promoter and requires helpers called general transcription factors that identify where the promoters are (like raising a flag to notify the rna polymerase) Proteins required to recognize the promoter and bind rna polymerase ii. Promoter on a rna polymerase transcribed genes is made up of six things: bre, tata box, downstream bre, inr, mte, dpe (downstream promoter element) These are recognized by these proteins to form a molecular beacon to recruit. Tfiiid components taf1 and taf7 (proteins that recognize and binds to mte and dpe elements of the promoter and possible inr) which forms d complex.