BIO206H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Phosphodiester Bond, Guanine, Pyrophosphate

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20 Oct 2016

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Additional processes involved in post transcriptional modification of the message. hnrna processing. In eubacteria, the core rna polymerase has 5 subunits, 6 w sigma factor-- -10 and -35 regions. In eukaryotes rna pol 2 has 7 additional subunits (12 in total). One of the things that"s a problem is that the rna pol 2 enzyme itself can"t recognize the promoters. Gtfs help the polymerase by recognising promoter regions. We have promoter elements on either side of transcription initiation site. Tbp is highly conserved; very similar organism regardless of what organism it comes from. It forms a saddle shape around structure and forces it into a different configuration. Proteins that bind to dna often cause physical distortion in molecule itself. Tafs: taf1 and taf 7 bind to motif ten element and downstream promoter element and possibly inr, making d complex. Dpolf complex = the complex formed when tfiif helps rna pol by binding in -