BIO 2137 Lecture 12: 12. Plant Anatomy

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2: have pits (areas with only thin primary cw membranous, smaller tubes, vessel elements: evolved later, present in angiosperms (flowering plants) and gnetophytes, have pits and perforations (holes, no cws, larger tubes. Roots (ch. 24: a plants roots system, anchors it to the soil, absorbs and transports minerals and water, stores food. Specialized roots: fleshy roots storage (carrots, beets, prop roots support, air roots aeration for plants that live in water (bayou, aerial roots absorption of moisture from air. Stems: the shoot system of a plant includes stems, leaves, and, in angiosperms, flowers, stems serve for support and conduction, stems carry leaves and buds (maybe become branches) 6: secondary growth crushes phloem, epidermis and eventually cortex, only small amount of phloem is functional, secondary xylem accumulates year after year wood, final. Wood: conifer wood, does not contain vessels, many conifers like pinus produce resin, wood contains resin ducts, angiosperm wood, contains tracheids and vessels, rings from anal growth at different times.