EDFX173 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Carol Dweck, Motivation, Human Spirit

EDFX173 Lecture Notes Tuesday 27th March 2018
Motivation and Challenging Behaviours
Learning Intentions
- Importance of using motivation to successfully impact student engagement and
learning, including its influence on teacher preparation
Success criteria
- To have an understanding of different teaching strategies to motivate students to
learn, including students with challenging behaviour
Motivation – some questions – WHY?
- What choices to people make bout their behaviour around their learning
- How long does it take to get started?
- What is the intensity or level of involvement given to the activity?
- Why do some persist and others give up?
- What is an individual thinking or feeling while engaging in an activity?
o Wh aet the leaig
Motivation – basics
- Motivation is usually defined as an internal state that arouses, directs and maintains
- It involves students energy and drive to learn, to work effectively and to achieve to
their potential
- Aadei ahieeet is ot just aout soeoes skill or intelligence – motivation
is part of what creates the outcomes
o Can we give students other opportunities to succeed in order to motivate
- Maslos paid iplies that people ill ot e otiated uless the asi eeds
are fulfilled
- Eik Eiksos theory says that motivation is different in different stages of life
- Both theories are needed to understand motivation
Gradual Release of Responsibility Instructional Framework
- Regardless of the theoretical orientation, all would agree, that learning requires
interaction: it is an action oriented experience and not a passive one
o Development of own internal motivation, for them to be excited about their
own learning
o Taking responsibility
o Level of teacher support is high in beginning. Level of learner control is high
in the end
Self Determination Continuum
- Non self-determined to self-determined scale
Motivation – some basics
- Amotivation = complete lack of any intent to act – no engagement at all
o These people do not act at all, or act without intent – just going through the
o Results from not valuing and activity, not feeling competent or not expecting
to yield a desired outcome
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- Intrinsic motivation = natural tendency to seek out and conquer challenges as we
pursue personal interests and exercise capabilities. Think so-alled flo atiities –
art, music, surfing, jogging, sports etc.
- Intrinsic motivators include fascination with the subject, a sense of its relevance to
life and the world, a sense of accomplishment in mastering it, and a sense of calling
to it.
o Pusue thigs eause ee good at it ad e at to
- Students who are intrinsically motivated might say things like the following:
o Literature interests me
o Learning maths enables me to think clearly
o I feel good when I succeed in class
Intrinsic Motivation
- Advantages
o Long lasting and self sustaining
o Efforts to build this kind of motivation are also typically efforts at promoting
student learning.
o Such efforts often focus on the subject rather than the rewards or
- Disadvantages
o Can be slow to affect behaviour and can require special and lengthy
o Students are individuals, so a variety of approaches may be needed to
motivate different students.
o It is ofte helpful to ko hat iteests oes studets i ode to oet
these iteests ith the sujet atte. This euies gettig to ko oes
Motivation – Extrinsic
- Not really interested in the activity, we care about what it will gain us, earn us a
good grade, avoid punishment, please the teacher
- Extrinsic motivators
o Include parental expectations, expectations of other trusted role models,
earning potential of a course of study, and grades (which keep scholarships
- Students who are extrinsically motivated might say things like the following
o I need a B in statistics to get into business school
o If I flunk chemistry, I will lose my scholarship
o Ou istuto ill ig us douts if I do ell i todas uiz
- Advantages
o More readily produce behaviour changes and typically involve relatively little
effort or preparation.
o Also, efforts at applying extrinsic motivators often do not require extensive
knowledge or individual students
- Disadvantages
o Can often distract students form learning the subject at hand.
o It can be challenging to devise appropriate rewards and punishments for
student behaviours.
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Document Summary
Importance of using motivation to successfully impact student engagement and learning, including its influence on teacher preparation. To have an understanding of different teaching strategies to motivate students to learn, including students with challenging behaviour. What choices to people make bout their behaviour around their learning. What is an individual thinking or feeling while engaging in an activity: wh(cid:455) a(cid:396)e(cid:374)(cid:859)t the(cid:455) lea(cid:396)(cid:374)i(cid:374)g. Motivation is usually defined as an internal state that arouses, directs and maintains behaviour. It involves students energy and drive to learn, to work effectively and to achieve to their potential. Maslo(cid:449)(cid:859)s p(cid:455)(cid:396)a(cid:373)id i(cid:373)plies that people (cid:449)ill (cid:374)ot (cid:271)e (cid:373)oti(cid:448)ated u(cid:374)less the (cid:271)asi(cid:272) (cid:374)eeds are fulfilled. E(cid:396)ik e(cid:396)ikso(cid:374)(cid:859)s theory says that motivation is different in different stages of life. Both theories are needed to understand motivation. Level of learner control is high in the end. Intrinsic motivation = natural tendency to seek out and conquer challenges as we pursue personal interests and exercise capabilities.