BIO 201 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Ernst Ruska

115 views7 pages
31 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Overview of cell structure: cell structure is primarily determined by four factors, matter, energy, organization. Information: cell structure requires instructions, dna, every species has a distinctive genome, genome: the complete genetic composition of a cell of are species, genes: a unit of heredity that contributes to the characteristics or traits of an organism. At the molecular level, a gene is composed of organized sequences of dna. Eukaryotic cells are compartmentalized by internal membranes to create organelles: all other species are eukaryotes, besides bacteria and archaea. Genomes and proteomes connection: proteome: the complete complement of proteins that a cell or organism can make, the set of proteins is made by a given cell type is largely responsible for determining the characteristics of the cell. Surface area and volume are critical parameters that affect cell sizes and shapes: a common feature of most cells is their small size, most bacterial cells are about 1-10 um in diameter.