BIOS 350 Chapter Notes - Chapter 24: Neisseria, Prenatal Diagnosis, Urethritis

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Clinical syndromes list: cervicitis, salpingitis, acute urethral syndrome, endometritis, ectopic pregnancy. Most of morbidity due to pelvic inflamatory disease(pid) 30% will develop pid when chlamydia is untreated. Rate differential between women and men due to different ascertainment and reporting. Men treated on basis of presentation of syndrome. New tests combine gonorrhea and chlamydia assays into 1 platform. Caused by neisseria gonnorhea, gram negative, non spore forming, non moving, diplococcus. Old testament, chinese, christian, greek roman and egyptian writings. 50% of untreated anal causes rectal pain and discharge. Women also face this when also have chlamydia. Symptoms: discharge pain on urination (urethritis) 95% symptomatic - high percentage mild 5% asymptomatic. Incidence historically higher in men but morbidity and consequences of infection more severe in women. 15-19 & 20-24 about equal in women. Untreated causes pid and upper tract infections w/ prescence of chlamydia. Decreased by 70% overall, incidence is still at 15%