BIO SCI 93 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Inductive Reasoning, Deductive Reasoning, Flashlight

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BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
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Example: all organisms are made out of cells. Example: if batteries are dead, then by replacing the batteries the flashlight will work. Complete this reading guide as you read the textbook pages listed above. You might not have to read every word on every page, rather pay close attention to the questions in this guide and answer them as you work through the textbook. Also pay close attention to the terms that are underlined: these are key terms that you should know the definitions of and be able to apply in new situations. Describe the steps of the scientific process (or method) in your own words, using the terms hypothesis, prediction, experiment, and analysis. Scientific process: make observations, make hypotheses, experiment, analyze results. Deductive reasoning: logic flow from general to specific. Inductive reasoning: logic flow from specific to general. No, the hypothesis might not be the reason for something.