BIO SCI 45 Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Natural Killer Cell, Basophil, Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain

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10 Oct 2017

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Chapter 2 and co2 from tissue, wound repair, and protects from infection: transports nutrients and oxygen to the body tissues, eliminates waste products, immune system protects from: virus, bacteria, cancer, fungi, protozoa, parasites, 3 kind of blood vessels. Cd8 protein (b) helper t cells - they do not kill. interact with b. Cells and killer t cells in order to respond to antigen (i) Cd4 protein (4) name is derived from the thymus gland. During infection, lymph nodes enlarged because the b/t cells are dividing and producing large numbers of antibodies/cells to fight infection. (inflammation) It knows that many microorganisms have common characteristics (pamps/mamps) 1. inflammation or cell migration: the cells have protein that know the different mamps, by activating prr, when meeting unknown thing, two things will happen. Inflammation-dilation of blood vessels, cells and fluids enter tissue at infection site: cell migration- there is specific protein that starts this, where both innate and adaptive cells work together a)