BIO-17 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Piriformis Muscle, Radial Artery

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4 Dec 2020

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Highly sensitive for tos (east, hands up, roo"s) The upper extremity is held in the "stick-"em-up" Tests position with the arms abducted and elbows flexed (both at 90 ) for 3 minutes extends the fingers. Considered positive if the patient cannot complete the. 2. adson"s maneuver the patient takes a deep breath and holds it, followed by rotation to stretch or tether the plexus. Head is placed in extension and side bending while full 3 minutes. Thoracic outlet syndrome artery by the anterior and middle scalenes. 4. allen"s test ulnar or radial artery: adson"s test. The maneuver is held for 15-30 seconds while the clinician observes for onset of symptoms and obliteration of the pulse. bending. Symptoms have been reported to the side of bending and, more commonly, to the side away from. Patient then takes a deep breath and holds it while turning the head towards the side being tested reproduces symptoms. Test is positive if diminished or absent pulse or.