BIO 105 Chapter Notes - Chapter 10: Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Muscle, Extensor Digitorum Longus Muscle, Triceps Brachii Muscle

43 views2 pages
15 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Origin: bone not moved by specific muscle. Insertion: bone moved by specific muscle: functional groups (muscles can pull, can"t push) Main force for specific movement ie. biceps brachii is the prime mover for flexion, triceps brachii are for extension. Antagonist: reverses or helps control movement of agonist (specific muscle can be an agonist and an antagonist ie. biceps brachii and triceps brachii) Synergists: assist prime movers; add force or stabilize joints. Fixators: synergists that limit movement ie. finger flexors and wrist stabilization (come from the forearm) it prevents the wrist from bending when squeezing really hard: how many skeletal muscles are named. Location: often in reference to bones ie. temporalis, intercostal, tibialis. Shape: overall shape of muscle ie. deltoid (triangle), trapezius (trapezoid, diamond ) Size: relative to another ie. gluteus maxius/minimus; exterior pollicis longus/brevus. Direction of fibers (and fascicles) ie. rectus/transversus abdominis, external oblique. Number of origins ie. biceps, triceps, and quadriceps.