BIO 105 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Hyaline Cartilage, Bone Marrow, Bone

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15 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Chapter 6 bones: skeletal structure: split into axial and appendicular skeletons. Axial skeleton: skull, vertebral column, and rib cage. Function for movement: cartilages include: hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and fibrocartilage. They have a high water content, which is good for cushioning and resilience. Perichondrium is the thin membrane that keeps cartilage healthy and repairs it, although it is difficult to. Hyaline cartilage: found at the end of long bones, at the tip of the nose, and where ribs connect to sternum. Elastic cartilage: found in the external ear and at the epiglottis. Fibrocartilage: found in between vertebrae and meniscus of knee. Appositional: perichondrium contains chondroblasts, which help in mitosis and extracellular matrix production (growing from the outside growing from the membrane) Interstitial: mitosis of chondrocytes, some extracellular matrix production (growing from within). Chondrocytes can divide but it is much slower than chondroblast mitosis. Cartilage may become calcified/stiffer, as you get older, however it never becomes bone: bone classification- shapes!