CHEM 1101 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Ionic Compound, Valence Electron, Electron Configuration

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Metals tend to form compounds w/ nonmetals. Metals want to be positive & accept electrons , nonmetals want to be negative. Alkali metals (group ia) react w/ halogens (group 7a) to make a variety of compounds w/ The 2 elements are always found in a 1:1 ratio. The compounds have melting points over 500 degrees c. Each is a stable, white, crystalline solid. The water solution of each compound conducts electricity. Electricity can only flow through a medium containing charged particles that are free to move. an ion. Atoms are electrically neutral because they contain equal numbers of protons and. By gaining or losing electrons, an atom can be converted into a charged particle called electrons. The loss of one or more electrons from a neutral atom gives a positively charged ion called a cation . Symbol = positive charge as a superscript to element symbol.