BIO 101 Chapter Notes - Chapter 15: Gene Pool, Genetic Diversity, Speciation

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Genetics: study of the genetic makeup of pop. s & how the gentic composition of a population changes. From a genetic perspective, pop: identified by particular collection of alleles in its gene pool: if a gene pool changes, evolution has occurred. Gene pool: total collection of alleles in a pop, exp: gene pools of nyc mouse pop. s. Allele freq: relative proportion of an allele in a pop. Genetic diversity: reflected by # of diff. alleles in pop. s gene pool, important for the continued survival of pop. s, especially in the face of changing env. s. Nonadaptive evolution: any change in allele freq. that doesn"t by itself lead a pop. to become more adapted to its env, causes: Genetic drift: random changes in allele freq. s of a pop. btwn generations, tends to have more dramatic effects in smaller pop. s than larger ones. Evolution: change in allele freq. s in a pop. over time, can be adaptive or non-adaptive.