Business Administration 2295F/G Chapter Notes - Chapter 2: Tylenol (Brand), Career Development, Headache

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The relatively stable set of psychological characteristics that influences the way an individual interacts with his or her environment. Individuals possess stable traits or characteristics that influence their attitudes and behaviors. Possessing stable traits, people are predisposed to acting in certain ways. Characteristics of the organizational setting influences peoples attitudes and behaviors: rewards and punishment influence people behavior. Individuals attitudes and behavior are a function of both disposition and situation. Personality has the most impact in weak situations (situations which not a standard or norm is widely accepted) Traits lead to certain behaviors only when the situation makes the need for the trait salient. Personality characteristics influence peoples behavior when the situation calls for a particular personality characteristic. Extraversion o o o o: outgoing, sociable energetic joyful and assertive. People with high emotional stability are confident and high self esteem (low neuroticism: high emotional control (high neuroticism) show self doubt and depression, anxious, hostile, impulsive insecure, agreeableness.