Business Administration 2295F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Positive Psychological Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Perceived Organizational Support

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Organizations social interventions for accomplishing common goals through group effort. Organizational behaviour the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. Human resources management programs, practices and systems to acquire, develop and retain employees in organizations. Management the art of getting things accomplished in organizations through others. Evidence based management translating principles based on the best scientific evidence into organizational practices. Classical viewpoint- an early prescription on management that advocated high specialization of labour, intensive coordination, and centralized decision making. Scientific management fredrick taylor"s system for using research to determine the optimum degree of specialization and standardization of work tasks. Bureaucracy max weber"s ideal type of organization that included a strict chain of command, detailed rules, high specialization, centralized power, and selection and promotion based on technical competence. Hawthorne studies research conducted at the hawthorne plant of western electric near. Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s that illustrated how psychological and social processes affect productivity and work adjustment.