BIO120H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter 1: Convergent Evolution, Common Descent, Speciation

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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William paley believed that god (celesial designer) created all living organisms. Darwin studied to be a minister at cambridge university originally. Theory of evoluion does not tell how fast species will evolve or if it is coninuously evolving, only evolve due to the pressures they undergo: gradualism: takes many generaions for there to be a substanial evoluionary change. Certain species take less ime to evolve as others take more (don"t all evolve at even pace). Once species becomes beter suited towards its habitat, evoluionary change tends to slow down: speciaion (spliing): everyone came from same ancestor. Speciaion is when groups evolve and become so diferent that they cannot share genes (interbreed). Speciaion doesn"t occur very oten but when ofspring are produced, chance of future speciaion doubles: common ancestry: can go back in ime and see that through dna sequencing or fossils all descendants relate back to their ancestors. There is a natural classiicaion of animals due to their traits.