BIO120H1 Chapter Notes - Chapter B: Significant Figures, Scale Factor, Scientific Notation

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Bio120: adaptation and biodiversity lab manual (appendix b . Statistics give special meaning to significance, error, hypothesis, and variance can lead to confusion for many students unless special attention is paid to distinct meaning of statistical words. Data are information obtained by measurements and from which conclusions can be drawn. Measurement plays major role in scientific method. Single measurement consists of three parts: unit measured, scale factor showing relative magnitude of value, significant figures. Number of significant figures depends upon accuracy of measuring instrument. As a general rule, number of significant figures should reflect numbers known to be correct, and no figures which are known to be correct should be omitted. To avoid confusion between scale factors and significant figures, measurements can be expressed using scientific notation. Do not change digit to be rounded if it is followed by a digit less than five.