BIO374H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 6: Protoplast, Cellulase, Plant Cell

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14 Dec 2016

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The world population has increased and the amount of land has not. We have been able to feed people due to increase productivity. Plant transgenics is the direct transfer of genes to plants. Most of these crops are being planted by third world countries. Polyploids used to increase size and desirable traits in plants. When a plant is injured, a mass of cells called a callus can grow over the wound, and the callus can redifferentiate into shoots and roots. Callus cells are surrounded by cellulose which can be broken with cellulase leaving behind protoplast. This protoplast can be fused with another one to create a new cell to grow into a hybrid plant via protoplast fusion. Agrobacter has ti plasmid which gets genetically modified and gets added to a leaf fragment which gets treated with hormones to get shoots and roots. Blast tiny metal beads coated with dna into an embryonic plant cell.