BIO210Y5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Dural Venous Sinuses, Dura Mater, Superior Sagittal Sinus

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2 May 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 13: the brain, cranial nerves, and sensory and motor. Module 13. 1: the brain develops from a hollow neural tube. In adults, the brain contains 97% of the body"s neural tissues. On average, male brains are 10% larger than female brains because of a difference in body size. There is no correlation between brain size and intelligence. Neural tube: hollow cylinder that is the beginning of the cns. In the cephalic portion of the neural tube, three areas enlarge rapidly through the expansion of the neurocoel. This creates three divisions called the primary brain vesicles. Prosencephalon (proso = forward, cephalon = brain): it is the forebrain at the anterior tip of the neural tube: mesencephalon: midbrain, is an expansion caudal to the prosencephalon. Rhombencephalon: hindbrain, it is the most caudal of the primary brain vesicles. By 5 weeks of development, the primary brain vesicles change their position and the prosencephalon and rhombencephalon subdivide to form the secondary brain vesicles.