BIO203H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 3: Phenotypic Plasticity, Meristem, Axillary Bud

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28 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Indeterminate growth - plants grow throughout their lives. Root system - gathers nutrients and water below ground. Herbaceous plant - seed plant that lacks wood. Plant form - vascular plants consist: root system anchors the individual. Uptake of water and nutrients absorb water and ions, conduct water and selected ions to the shoot, store material in the shoot. Stem - at the tip is apical bud, consist of node (where leaves are attached) Axillary bud - may develop into branch: dynamic systems, grow and change throughout the life of the plant, modifications and adjustments occur in response to environment. Diversity of root systems can be analyzed in 3 levels: Perennial root systems - live for many yrs. Natural selection favored diversity to minimize competition for water/ nutrients e. g. morphological diversity in plant roots. Book notes page 1 e. g. morphological diversity in plant roots. Highly diverse in structure e. g. depths and widths.