BIO153H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 34: Dorsal Nerve Cord, Craniate, Gnathostomata

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30 Jan 2016

Document Summary

Overview: half a billion years of backbones animals to walk on land. at 100,000 kg. Vertebrates are named for vertebrae, the series of bones that make up the vertebral column or backbone. There are about 52,000 species of vertebrates, far fewer than the 1 million insect species on earth. Plant-eating dinosaurs, at 40,000 kg, were the heaviest. The biggest animal that ever existed is the blue whale, Humans and our closest relatives are vertebrates. This group includes other mammals, birds, lizards, snakes, turtles, amphibians, and the various classes of fishes. Lack in species diversity they make up the disparity varying greatly in characteristics such as body mass. Concept 34. 1 chordates have a notochord and a dorsal, hollow nerve cord. The vertebrates belong to one of the two major phyla in the deuterostomia, the chordates. Chordates are bilaterian animals, belonging to the. The phylum chordata includes three subphyla, the vertebrates and two phyla of invertebrates the urochordates and the cephalochordates.