BIO153H5 Chapter Notes - Chapter 31: Lichen, Meiosis, Dikaryon

104 views8 pages
25 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Concept 31. 1: fungi are heterotrophs that feed by absorption. Many fungi grow by forming multicellular filaments, a body structure that plays a role in obtaining food. Other fungi use enzymes to penetrate the walls of cells, enabling the fungi to absorb nutrients from cells. Fungi have different ecological roles as decomposers, parasites, or mutualists. Decomposer fungi break down and absorb nutrients from nonliving organic material. Parasitic fungi absorb nutrients from cells of living hosts without providing any benefits (lower host fitness) Some parasitic fungi are pathogenic, including many species that cause diseases in plants. Mutualistic fungi absorb nutrients from a host organism, but they reciprocate with actions that benefit the host. Fungi nourish the plants that nourish us and affect climate change, because they are critical to the carbon cycle. A handful of fungal species can cause debilitating diseases in humans and livestock. Thousands are also plant pathogens, which contribute to spoilage of plant products.