BIO 2110 Chapter Notes - Chapter 13: Linear Code, Transfer Rna, Ribosome

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Triplet code nearly universal to all living things on earth. Triplet codons for amino acids, stop and start for protein synthesis. Each triplet specifies only a single amino acid. A given amino acid can be coded by more than one codon. Stored in dna but translated to protein with rna. Dna -transcription-> mrna -out of nucleus, translation-> amino acids. Two letter code is too few (16), four letter is too many combos (256) Non over-lapping --> too few three codon combinations --> very limited. Also too complicated to translate trna - transfer rna is the adaptor in protein synthesis. Ribosome accommodates two trna molecules at a time. If there were "blank" codons, synthesis would probably stop. Nirenberg - homopolymers first (ggggg, uuuuu etc. ) to find those. Used polynucleotide phosphorylase to make the synthetic mrna. Repeating copolymers experiment mrna attracts a complementary anticodon trna, called anticodon when talking in triples.