BIO 1140 Chapter Notes - Chapter 4: Fluid Mosaic Model, Spindle Apparatus, Centrosome

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Centrosome / centrioles: each cell has a centrosome made of 2 centrioles at a right angle to each other, structure and function. B. 2. serves as an anchor to cilia and flagellum. A. 2. seals the area, even from ions: anchoring junctions. B. 1. plaques of proteins interact and anchor cells together. Allows passage of ions and small molecules: cell communication! Axon growth: dendrites grow by the growth of microfilaments, later replaced by microtubules. A. 1. actin molecules carried to the end: membranes. Fluid lipid molecules with embedded, free-floating or anchored proteins. Allow for various functions to be carried out: fluidity. Presence of unsaturated double bonds produces kink and influences the fluidity of the membrane. 1 or 2 fatty acid chains with single or multiple sugar groups. Translocation from one layer to the other is rare and requires atp. This is necessary to maintain the asymmetry of the bilayer.