SPMA 1P92 Chapter Notes - Chapter 5: Amateur Sports, National Federation Of State High School Associations, Homeschooling

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Sport was seen as a vehicle to help solve societal ills, such as delinquency, and poor health, so schools began to promote sport. High school sport was initiated, organized and operated by students, similar to the way intercollegiate sport started. The need for adult supervision soon became apparent. By the early (cid:883)9(cid:882)(cid:882)"s state high school associations began to form. Rules were set in place for high school athletes that defined minimum course loads and satisfactory progress in school, as well as participation eligibility certification. Development of the national federation of state high school associations (nfhs) The result of this association was to ensure the well being of high school student- athletes in competitive students. By the (cid:883)93(cid:882)"s, the group assumed responsibility as the rules-writing and rules- publishing body for high school sports. The values and benefits of high school sport have been well defined by its advocates. Strategic plan for high school sport associations: