HN&F 271 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: United States Pharmacopeia, Dietary Supplement, Magnesium Carbonate

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Dietary supplements, when to consider, when diet lacks balance and variety. More not always better (ul: lecture 4 the major minerals and water, inorganic molecules, classification, major minerals >100 mg (6, trace minerals <100 mg (10, cofactors- not carbon based. Calcium, iron , and zinc, all compete against each other because they all have the same charge in their reduced form. Also these are the most common ones ppl are deficient in. D = calcitriol: low blood calcium concentration -increased vit. 1,200 mg/d: by age 70 - men & women -senile osteoporosis- at that age already lost too much bone. age 51-70 women age >71 men, women more likely to be deficient they have smaller bone mass. Lose bone after menopause due to loss of estrogen: ca food sources, animal source. Plant source ( a lot of calcium but low bioavailability) spinach collard greens.