BIO SCI 9A Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Pantothenic Acid, B Vitamins, Malabsorption

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Needed in small amounts (mcg or mg) Yield no energy, but facilitate energy-yielding chemical reactions. If absent from a diet, it will produce deficiency signs and symptoms. Synthesized vitamins: added to supplements and fortified in foods, work equally well in the body as natural source, sometimes are more absorbed because their structure is the most absorbable form. Each vitamin has a number of functions but in general vitamins: act as co-enzymes: work in conjunction with enzyme to make reactions occur. Enzymes won"t work without its co-enzyme: aid metabolism, facilitate cell reproduction and growth, facilitate dna synthesis. Can only be absorbed in presence of fat. Main function is to support proper cell growth and reproduction. Deficiency most common in individuals with fat malabsorption. Thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, b6, folate, b12, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin c. Subject to losses when exposed to heat, o2, light. Main function: coenzyme to participate in energy metabolism.