L33 Psych 100B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Conflicting Emotions, Socalled, Procedural Memory

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20 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Learning: learning psychologists o o o o. Positive reinforcement vs. negative reinforcement: working definition o o. Learning is a relatively enduring change in behavior, as a result of experience. If a behavior/reaction is present at birth, it is innate and not considered a learned trait: fears o o o (i. e. heights, spiders, snakes) The human brain has a readiness to learn about fear. Toddlers have a great capacity to learn/gain fears: human brain has a readiness to learn to be afraid of, innate behaviors (i. e. ) o o. All other human behaviors come about, at least in part, through learning. Theories of learning represent an attempt to understand how and why this process experiences-based learning occurs. Where an organism decreases its response or ceases to respond to a repetitive or repeated (negative) stimulus. If stimuli x is unpleasant, yet repeated, it stops being noticed.