L33 Psych 100B Study Guide - Final Guide: Pupillary Light Reflex, Palmar Grasp Reflex, Startle Response

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Learning a relatively enduring change in behavior, as a result of experience. Examples of behaviors that are truly innate: pupillary light reflex, startle response, grasp reflex. All other human behaviors come about, at least in part, through learning. Theories are developed to understand how and why this process of experience-based learning occurs. Habituation form of learning in which an organism decreases or ceases to respond to the stimulus. Sensitization increased or augmented response over time after repeated stimulus: associative, observational. Two prominent associative models of learning: classical conditioning pavlov and watson, operant conditioning thorndike and skinner. Ivan pavlov: unconditioned stimulus (ucs) stimulus that will provoke or respond even in the absence of thought reflex. Cues prior to meat being presented: conditioned stimulus. The development of classical conditioning: pavlov"s experiments: unconditioned stimulus (us) Something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism: unconditioned response (ur) Reflexive reaction that is reliably produced by an unconditioned stimulus: conditioned stimulus (cs)