BCOM 301 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Federal Election Campaign Act, Microsoft Powerpoint, Legal Citation

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5 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Know the first amendment and the freedoms it protects in a fill in the blank format. Know who aristotle is and his interpretation of justice as it relates to the golden mean. Know what the rule of law is and how it pertains to society. Your text briefs marbury v. madison and citizens united v federal election commission. Which issues did each of the cases resolve as noted in the text. Citizens: ruled (5 4) that laws that prevented corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds for independent electioneering communications (political advertising) violated the first amendment"s guarantee of freedom of speech. 203 of the federal bipartisan campaign reform act of 2002 (bcra) also known as the. Mccain-feingold act for its sponsors, sen. john mccain and sen. russ feingold as well as. Section 441(b) of the federal election campaign act of 1971 (feca), which the bcra had amended.