01:790:401 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jay Treaty, Hartford, Connecticut, Thurgood Marshall

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Know the facts, ruling and significance of these cases: Chisholm v. georgia, 2 u. s. 419 (1793: first important decision of the supreme court; example of how judicial opinions do not always settle constitutional disputes. Chisholm believed the state of georgia owed the south. Carolina merchant"s estate money out of contract to supply. 4-1; against the state"s assertion of sovereign immunity. Seriatim whereby each justice wrote their own opinions in every case before chief justice marshall in. Chief justice jay: article 3, section 2 literal interpretation that states can be sued by citizens of another state. Calder v. bull, 3 u. s. 386 (1798: upheld state statue altering probate rules as not violating federal. Morrison wrote a will that left his estate to his grandson, Bull, but the will was concluded void in the court of probate for hartford, ct. Connecticut legislature passed a law setting aside that decree, and grants a new hearing bull wins.