POL 3313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lorillard Tobacco Company, Legal Drinking Age, Commerce Clause

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27 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Aim: to examine the development of the federal system. Sovereign immunity and 11th amendment: mcculloh v. maryland (1819) Necessary and proper clause: scott v. sandford (1857) Taney court and the police powers of the states are upheld regarding. Missouri compromise and 5th amendment: hammer v. dagenhart (1918) Lorillard tobacco co. v. reilly (2001: coercive federalism. The court allowed congress to use federal highway grants to the states as a means of persuading the states to raise their legal drinking age to 21: incorporation doctrine. Aim: to examine the resurgence of states" rights. Abrogate: to repeal, annul, or abolish a law or custom. Due process: rights of citizens against government action that threatens the denial of life, liberty, and property. Aim: to examine the commerce clause and the states. 6-0 decision: south carolina v. barnwell (1938) 7-2 decision: bibb v. navajo freight (1958) 9-0 decision: kassell v. consolidated freight (1980)