BIO 269 Final: Anatomy 2 Lab Exam 2 Study Guide

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The exam will be a mixture of multiple choice, short answer, and graphing questions that will test your knowledge of physiological principals, your ability to apply scientific methods, and your ability to think critically. The labs covered are respiration i and ii, renal physiology and digestion. You should bring an eraser and a ruler to the exam. Remember to keep the hypothesis being tested or goal of the study in mind so that your graph or experiments are relevant! describe means to tell us how something looks or appears. explain or why means to tell us the underlying physiological mechanism(s). You should know how the physiology works in detail for all the experiments you conducted in the labs. 1. review the anatomy of each of the systems we"ve covered in the second part the class. Be prepared to identify structures of the throat, lungs, kidney, bladder, and gastrointestinal tract: review the introductory/background paragraphs of each lab.