PHIL 1304 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fetus

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24 Jan 2014

Document Summary

Many religious codes vague forcing people to apply general moral rules to specific cases so people do o people think o standards or judgments; establishing a moral norm is the goal o what makes something right? o applying a moral principle. The principle of impartiality between people rules don"t apply for one person and not another unless there is a morally relevant difference between them o o ethics o standards o. Leibniz a theist yet he rejects the divine command theory because (like plato"s euthyphro explores) using no standard of goodness, just saying things are good because god says so, destroys the love of god god is arbitrary then he could have just as easily made what"s good bad (cid:223) this idea followed by many atheists god o o good, good because god says so or because it is morally good? that would be circular o.