[PSY-PC 2550] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (71 pages long!)

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Be able to define adolescence and the difference between early, middle and late adolescence: puberty marks the beginning of adolescence, early: 10-13 years, middle: 14-17 years, late: 18-21 years. Discuss the fundamental changes that happen in adolescence: biological: puberty, physical, sexually mature, cognitive: brain development, more complex thinking, more reasoning, social: rite of passage, law changes, seen differently. Discuss the psychosocial development that occurs in adolescence: develop identity - discovery of oneself, feel special and unique, autonomy independence, personal code of values. Intimacy deeper friends, honesty and loyalty and romantic relationships: sexuality physical contact with other, active, questioning, achievement decisions start to affect long term goals, choices about future, this is where problems can emerge. Being able to see things as relative rather than absolute. Working memory is the only conscious memory. Pruning: continues throughout adolescence but not majorly. If you do(cid:374)"t use it, you lose it. Increases processing speed for the things that we actually do keep.